
Social Recruitment

Welcome all kinds of outstanding talents to join us and create a bright future

  1. Position title
  2. Type of positon
  3. Place of work
  4. Number of recruit
  5. Time of release
  6. Operation
凯发K8:About Silver Grant
Company Profile
凯发K8:Development History
凯发K8:Management Team
凯发K8:Company News
凯发K8:Media Coverage
凯发K8:Cultural Life
凯发K8:Group's Businesses
凯发K8:New Energy And Investment
Asset Management
凯发K8:Property Leasing
凯发K8:Investor Relations
凯发K8:Company Information
凯发K8:Financial Highlights
凯发K8:Announcements & Circulars
凯发K8:Financial Reports
凯发K8:Corporate Governance
凯发K8:IR Contact
凯发K8:Notices-Replacement Of Lost Share Certificate
凯发K8:Social Responsibility
凯发K8:Social Responsibility
凯发K8:ESG Reports
凯发K8:Social Recruitment
凯发K8:Campus Recruitment
凯发K8:Contact Us

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